Sunday, August 31, 2008

Banks are laughing at us

I'm sick and tired hearing about people whose bank checking account gets into negative funds, who have made arrangements with a creditor to have money withdrawn from their checking account via recurring payments.

It seems that creditors leave their computers on autorun to try to collect a second time days later, and a third, fourth and even a fifth time, leaving a debtor with more negative amounts in their checking account.

There should be a law that prohibits a creditor from trying to collect a recurring payment via computer, if it fails to collect the first time. The law should state also that a debtor should be given written notice about the recurring payment failure to collect because of non-sufficient funds in the bank checking account belonging to the debtor.

The debtor should be given time to replenish the checking account ASAP, before the computer tries to collect the second time. The creditor should schedule a period of 15 days before the second attempt.


Julie said...

Have you read this?
Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People.

You bet "they" are laughing at us, along with ALL the politicians.

Just look what is going on.

Here is a little tongue in cheek...

I'm waiting for the change.

Julie in Bend

Julie said...

OK, I was listening to Lars yesterday and heard you mention your blog.
I am the only one who has tried to engage in a dialog?

Come on, now is not the time to duck and run.

America has been betrayed by the media.

How about that as another topic.

There are so many important issues to discuss.

I too have a blog. It was an assignment for a class. It has been sitting idle sense then, but it would be great to start talking.